Life @ IPMX


We Have Moved To a New Blog

[ Monday, May 23, 2011 | 1 comments ]
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Living it up!

[ Thursday, May 5, 2011 | 0 comments ]

"Trrrrnnnnnn....", "Trrrrnnnnn....!"I slapped the phone alarm. Somewhere I felt that I still had some time left to get ready for the office. OFFICE?!!! My eyes gaped and mind went blank. Suddenly it dawned on me, I was in the college! Bed just threw me out in a jiffy and here I was, on my way to the class.

I had always dreamt to be part of this elite school of business and today I was. Galloping with happiness, I reached my first class. It was that first class and then it is today (past 3 weeks), its really been a journey worth sharing.

Starting from the disparate mix of people in the class to seamlessly fitting faculty members, it has been an enriching experience of learning. Thanks to the management accounting subject, suddenly the articles in the economic times are making some sense now! Not only are the articles but also those inquisitive questions which were never questioned earlier are getting raised.

Why is the GDP growing in tandem with inflation?

How much correct is our consensus data calculation?

How effectively can work be distributed in the teams based on the psychometric test feedbacks?

How risky are the businesses with high debt-equity ratio?

What are the various steps of an effective presentation?

How government tactfully handles some of the critical situations (Delhi-Mumbai Airport privatization)?

How one wrong marketing move in Archies business case affected their business?

It is not only the answers to many such questions but also the work on in numerous assignments, quizzes, guest lectures, clubs, committees, presentations and the list is on and on. Yes, you remember it right! It's been only 3 weeks into the course. And this is just a trailer. Picture to abhi baki hai, mere dost!

"Trrrnnnnnnn..." "Trrrrrnnnnnn...!"And the life @ IPMX goes runs on................................!

Vineeta Gupta Read the full story »

The Great Leap…

[ Wednesday, April 27, 2011 | 2 comments ]

Classroom beckoned after an excruciating wait of 91 months. What looked like a never-ending hiatus with studies was finally bridged last week when I found myself slouched uncomfortably among a heap of intimidating, high-sounding fat books, and a bunch of enthusiastic people drawn from all corners of the country.

Leaving behind the security of a decent paying job, cosy confines of home and care of family, I landed at IIM Lucknow Noida campus welcomed by a surprise shower. And yes I didn’t miss the evening pakoda-chai, which as I feared has become a regular feature at our mess.

I joined 66 batchmates from different backgrounds. But the IT people outnumbered everyone. Didn’t somebody say that India is a software giant, producing more techies than mangos? When every other guy you meet on the campus is a techie, one would like to trust the Americans for their good natured banter.

For people hardened and moulded by years of experience, you would not expect dreamy conversations or teeny chit chats. But from day one, many were willing to shed their seriousness acquired during work years to don the new hat of a student – jovial, zealous and full of hope for a new beginning.

The rediscovery process had just begun. Amid jokes, chatter and sports, the sense of purpose was not lost. From setting the agenda for the year to offering insights, contacts and above all time, we wanted to hit the ground running. After all, it takes enormous courage to quit a job and make massive investments for a one-year executive MBA course, which is still trying to find its feet in India. Staring at a complex, uncertain yet exciting future, the batch is raring to go.

The induction got off to a mesmerizing start with former SEBI chief Mr M Damodaran sharing his wealth of knowledge with a mature set of people. On how to be ethical and yet practical while conducting business, the need for growing awareness towards ecological concerns, and how not to become the slaves of money, the former UTI chief dwelt on these fascinating aspects of new-age business studies. “Money is good if earned ethically. Don’t led it guide you all the time,” he advised. The former bureaucrat, who now consults companies, also called upon the executive students to participate in nation building by inculcating an entrepreneurial spirit.

That it’s not going to be an easy ride from here on was amply made clear by institute director Dr Devi Singh, stating that spoon-feeding is not part of the teaching pedagogy for ‘adults’. “You are here to learn to learn,” he told the batch.

After the gyaan, it was time for the most important session - placement talks. Speculations soon gave way to confidence after a chat with Neerja Pande, our placement chair. Alumni Saurav Chandra and Chetan Yadav also allayed our fears. The message: Keep your expectations within reasonable limits.

Now, back as students, one is expected to follow rules and regulations. IPMX dean and chairperson, Archana Shukla, did exactly that, telling us the dos and don’ts.

Once the induction was over on April 16, we partied and partied hard.And since then over a week has passed and it seems we have been here for ages. And will be for ages to come.

Prasanna Raghav

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