1. Alcom : Alumni Committee
Student body working for the IIM Lucknow Alumni Association
Office of Alumni Affairs for interaction between institute, faculty, students and our Alumni base
A professional body with a structured hierarchy and defined program of events
A committee with clearly defined objectives and a yearly performance appraisal
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2. Events Committee The Events Committee is an elected representative body of IPMX students for planning, organizing and executing major events on the campus that benefit the institute and the students. Be it the May day celebration on the campus, A Cycle rally to promote green transport, a musical evening or organizing mega events like Leadership Summit, Events Committee is there to drive it all! . This committee works closely with the Institute management, the professors and the student body in driving these events and help in building the institute spirit.
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3. Students Council
The Students Council is an elected representative body of IPMX students responsible for taking up broader issues concerning students such as conducting elections of various organizational committees, planning and executing process of electives selection, collaborating and working very closely with different committees and institute’s management. Moreover, it integrates the functioning of various committees. The strategic intent is to value add and hand over the legacy of well placed processes and procedures to future batches of IPMX.
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Read the full story
The Students Council is an elected representative body of IPMX students responsible for taking up broader issues concerning students such as conducting elections of various organizational committees, planning and executing process of electives selection, collaborating and working very closely with different committees and institute’s management. Moreover, it integrates the functioning of various committees. The strategic intent is to value add and hand over the legacy of well placed processes and procedures to future batches of IPMX.
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